S o c i a l C r e a 8

Brand Personality & Evolution

Many business owners think of their brands as their “babies.” But while you might create your brand, nurture it, and possibly even shed a tear at each major milestone, that’s not exactly what we mean when we say that brand is like a person.

A person isn’t a static object or entity. As we all know from our life experiences, people continually change and evolve over time. Even after we reach maturity, the things we do, the people we interact with, and the goals we accomplish change us.

There’s no stopping this process. Change is inevitable for people, which means change is inevitable for all of the things we create – including brands.

Definition of ‘Brand Personality’ And Its Importance In Today’s Competitive Market

A brand’s personality works the same way as a human. It’s the total of how you represent yourself, how you speak, and the ‘face’ you put out into the world. It’s a mix of your conscious and subconscious actions.

Your brand will give away little signs about who they are as a brand in unguarded moments – personality is conveyed inadvertently as well as by design (even the best poker players have ‘tells’). It is important that a brand’s personality, when allowed to show in unplanned moments, is consistent with that conveyed elsewhere as an overall perception is formed from any and all encounters a consumer may have with it. This means that personality is something that needs as careful curation as positioning, values or application of visual identity. Social media presence is an area in which to be particularly vigilant: when multiple different people are effectively representing the brand online they are also showcasing its personality. Everyone playing a part in these comms must be aware of their subconscious moments and make sure they have a clear understanding of what the personality is and what they want it to be to fit in with the whole personality of what they want to convey.

These unguarded points are really important in how your brand’s personality is perceived. For example, with a brand’s social media presence, multiple people usually represent the brand online and showcase its personality. Everyone playing a role in the comms must be aligned with the overall personality of the brand.

When do they work well, and when do they on us and finally, when do we actually need how can we avoid them.

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